Please add yourself to Cosyne mailing lists (groups, forums) to receive email updates with various Cosyne-related information and join in helpful discussions. We currently provide four moderated mailing lists. Please do not send any commercial content, binary file attachments, or HTML-formatted posts as these will not be approved by moderators.
Before sending (a.k.a. posting) your message to any Cosyne mailing list, please note that your message will generally be publicly viewable. Other people subscribing to a mailing list may receive a copy of your message by email and your message may appear publicly in the web-based mailing list archives (see details for each mailing list below).
Cosyne Mentoring Forum provides a platform for discussions among Cosyne participants, particularly for help with composing abstracts for the meeting and getting feedback before submission. The forum is intended to be a place to connect with other computational and systems neuroscientists. Forum members are encouraged to share advice on everything from writing a great Cosyne abstract to navigating a job search. Please note that the discussions, messages, and posting are available only to subscribers (members) of Cosyne Mentoring Forum.
To subscribe to Cosyne Mentoring Forum you can either send an email from the email address you want to subscribe to mentoring.forum+subscribe [at] cosyne.org or use the web interface here.
To unsubscribe from the mailing list and stop receiving emails follow the instructions at the bottom of any email you received from the list or send an email to mentoring.forum+unsubscribe [at] cosyne.org.
To post messages you can send an email to mentoring.forum [at] cosyne.org or use the web interface here. Note that your messages have to be approved by moderators before being posted and sent to subscribers.
If you are a member of Cosyne Mentoring Forum, you can also browse the forum's discussions and messages here.
Cosyne-announce is a mailing lists with official Cosyne-related announcements. This list is not open for public posting, so you can expect to receive only a few messages a year, mostly during the Cosyne season. To receive the official Cosyne announcements from this mailing list you have to be a subscriber.
To subscribe to the cosyne-announce mailing list you can either send an email from the email address you want to subscribe to cosyne-announce+subscribe [at] googlegroups.com or use the web interface here.
To unsubscribe from the mailing list and stop receiving emails follow the instructions at the bottom of any email you received from the list or send an email to cosyne-announce+unsubscribe [at] googlegroups.com.
You can browse the list’s archived messages here.
Cosyne-discussions is a mailing list providing a forum for Cosyne-related scientific announcements and discussions. This list also allows public posting of Cosyne-related job information, for example, announcements of available Ph.D., postdoc, or faculty positions. To start receiving announcements and participate in the discussions you have to subscribe to the cosyne-discussions mailing list.
To subscribe to the cosyne-discussions mailing list you can either send an email from the email address you want to subscribe to cosyne-discussions+subscribe [at] googlegroups.com or use the web interface here.
To unsubscribe from the mailing list and stop receiving emails follow the instructions at the bottom of any email you received from the list or send an email to cosyne-discussions+unsubscribe [at] googlegroups.com.
To post messages you can send an email to cosyne-discussions [at] googlegroups.com. Note that although you don't have to be a subscriber to post messages to this mailing list, your messages have to be approved by moderators before being posted and sent to subscribers.
You can browse the list's archived messages here. Note that the archived messages are publicly viewable.
Cosyne-roomshare is a mailing list with useful non-scientific Cosyne-related information, such as sharing rooms, transportation options, activity options, etc. This list is open only to subscribers, so if you want to start receiving announcements and participate in the discussions you have to subscribe to this mailing list.
To subscribe to the cosyne-roomshare mailing list you can either send an email from the email address you want to subscribe to cosyne-roomshare+subscribe [at] googlegroups.com or use the web interface here.
To unsubscribe from the mailing list and stop receiving emails follow the instructions at the bottom of any email you received from the list or send an email to cosyne-roomshare+subscribe [at] googlegroups.com.
To post messages, ask questions, or start discussions as a subscriber send an email to cosyne-roomshare [at] googlegroups.com.
You can browse the list’s archived messages here. Note that the archived messages are available only to subscribers (members).
If you have any questions about Cosyne mailing lists, if you encounter problems with your subscription or the delivery of your messages, please do not send a message to the mailing list, but contact us at cosyne.announce.owner [at] gmail.com.